
Performance Analysis

The Performance Analysis team at NSWIS uses technology to gather objective and subjective data, providing insightful evaluations for athletes and teams. Working closely with coaches, the analysts assess the strategic and tactical aspects of performance, customising tools to optimise athlete outcomes. By offering informed insights, they empower coaches to make data driven decisions and adjustments. 

The comprehensive analysis includes strategic assessments, movement analysis, and statistical compilation. The analysts capture performance metrics such as player positioning, shot accuracy, pacing, and errors. Leveraging cutting edge technology, the analysts identify patterns, trends, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, informing scouting and enhancing performance strategies. 


  • Strategically integrate video technologies into the DTE to provide targeted feedback which aids in tactical and technical adjustments for enhanced training performance 
  • Collaborate closely with coaches and athletes in developing their skills in the use of performance analysis software and tools 
  • Help NSWIS coaches analyse performance footage and identify patterns, trends, and opportunities that may go unnoticed during live competition 
  • Combine the objective assessment of an athlete’s performance based on quantifiable data and metrics with subjective data, which includes qualitative observations