The expertise of coaches at NSW Institute of Sport (NSWIS) diving high performance hub has received a boost following the announcement of a mentor partnership with an Olympic gold medal coach.

Tracey Menzies, one of Australia’s most formidable coaches who took Ian Thorpe to multiple Olympic medals, has been linked with NSWIS diving coach Joe Meszaros through the Australian Institute of Sport’s high performance coach mentorship program.

“As soon as the email came through confirming I had been partnered with Tracey Menzies, I was thinking ‘wicked’, this is going to be amazing,” Joe said.

The former English representative diver turned coach has participated in similar mentor personal development program and is excited about this new opportunity.

The program twins aspiring coaches with experienced high performance coaches who have worked in the Australian high performance system.

“The idea is to upskill us to hopefully achieve the same standards as what they got to. It’s an organic mentor program – you work out how you want to take things forwards and I know you really only get out of it what you put into it.”

Joe was plucked from the high performance diving program in Leeds, England to come and work at NSWIS with the juniors and has aspirations to be a senior level coach.

“I have aspirations to step up into shoes similar to Chava Sobrino and Tracey will provide me with insight into the transition for that journey.”

Tracey has also been paired with Olympian now national diving coach Matt Helm. The trio have spoken multiple times and are open to collaborating

“We hit it off as soon as we had our first conversation. It’s a great platform where we can come together and talk, bridging me and Matt together.

“I am going to squeeze every bit of knowledge and experience out of her. I’ll just latch onto it and run with it and hope she doesn’t mind.


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